Media Studies
Media Studies A Level [OCR H409]
The A Level course is modular and follows the new H409 OCR specification. The course comprises a production and two examinations.
How Will I Be Assessed?
Unit | Method Of Assessment | Subject Content |
H409 [01] –Examination [ 2 hours] : Section A:News Section B: media Language and Representations | 70 marks: explore how and why newspapers & their online counterparts are evolving. Exploring media products through media language and representation | 35% |
H409 [02] Examination (2 hours) Section a: Media in the digital age Section B: Long Form TV Drama | 70 marks: Exploring media industries and audiences. One in depth study of television as an evolving global media form. | 35% |
3] H409 [03/04] Making Media [Non-exam] | 60 marks: Learners create three linked Media Products | 30% |
What Will I Learn On This Course?
This course offers you the opportunity to combine a theoretical understanding of the mass media in society and methods for analysing media texts: the role of the media and how this influences consumers. There will be historical and contemporary study and a focus on the impact of media on society, culture, politics and the economy in both domestic and global spheres. There will be opportunities to study media language, representations, industries and audiences. The balance of theory and practical work means that you will learn about how the real media industries operates and produce texts of your own.
What Kind Of Person Studies This Course?
Someone who enjoys using media and who loves getting their teeth into digital technology eg: blogs, prezi, flikr, slideshare, powtoon, filming, photography, magazines, television and cinema will love this course. This course is for anyone who enjoys studying how media texts are created and what effects they may have on the audience. Someone who has a lively, enquiring mind and enjoys sharing ideas and views with others will go far in the media world. Media is for people who are willing to research and to work both in a team and independently. This course is for anyone who has an awareness that media is a crucial part of every industry. You need to be a person who enjoys creating practical elements related to design and ICT but also someone who enjoys challenging stereotypes and writing analytically.
Where Will An A Level In Media Studies Lead Me?
Media Studies will complement a number of other A Level subjects e.g. English Language, Drama, Graphics, ICT and Art, as well as providing an interesting contrast to students studying any of the other subjects as the media is involved in all of our lives. It develops a range of analytical, critical and practical skills which, in combination with other A Levels, will provide an excellent entry qualification for a Degree course. There are many courses now which are media based and media is certainly one of the largest growing industries that rarely suffers from global change. A degree in Media Studies can lead to a variety of professions - you can always have a look online at the huge amount of vacancies there are in the Media Industry.